I was reading a most excellent book. It was only in the one hundred thirty page range. Things were going along nicely until one of my pet peeves happened BIG time. At which point I would have tossed the book out of a window, but it was on my laptop, so no go. What happened you may wonder? The main characters did not hook up until a serious heavy, CONTINUOUS love making marathon with someone else. Yes, one of the main characters did the horizontal limbo with someone else half the time. I was so peeved. I hate reading stuff like that. Allude to it if you must, but don't have me suffer through it. Ultimately I want the two MAIN characters to get together, so I don't want to be sidetracked with the hot and heavy with a third wheel. The book was entirely too short for that because the love scenes happened more with the third wheel than the main characters which is lik...a tad frustrating in my opinion. I realize I am having like a total spaz fit right now, but I really get into my stories and this kind of broke my heart a little. I don't know how other readers will feel about it. Some may agree with me. Some may shrug, and say it was just fine. Authors have complete and utter free will when it comes to writing and shouldn't be swayed by audiences on what they want to write. As an author I agree. I just wish this book had a warning on it.(which I realize is completely unrealistic, but wanted nonetheless) *sigh* I skipped like fifteen pages worth because of third wheel interaction.