Sunday, March 25, 2007

Highway to Hell

Just got back no more than an hour ago from the longest, most confusing, most hilarious farce of a trip I ever took. Never.Ever. Take a trip without knowing the person in charge. Our Professor messed up on so many levels that I hard know where to begin. These are the facts.
1. We missed the bus that would bring us for FREE to the conference in Washington D.C.
2. We left late
3. The van we planned to rent was never picked up because the dealership closed at 6pm and we were LATE
4. Our Professor can NOT drive. How he got his license is beyond me, but he was swerving, making illegal turns, causing accidents almost to happen, switching lanes wihtout signals, breaking at inoppurtune times during heavy traffic, parking in a bus stop (illegal) to ask directions, making U-turns in a restricted areas, passing cars too closely, backing up at a red light, getting out of the car to speak with us at a stop sign. Shall I go on. I'm scratching my head in mystification that we were not pulled over by the police. We did however have plenty of car honking. We even got the finger.
5. In case you we wondering we were traveling in a Van behind his car, which we found even more dangerous then being in his vehicle. The van belonged to a student who allowed us to use his vehicle to get to D.C as long as our professor shelled out money for the gas.
6. We drove to D.C. and got lost for 2 hours (no exaggeration)
7. We could not find AU University
8.When we did find AU we had to wait an hour for info
9. We discovered that we were in the wrong city to go to the Hilton, we belonged in Alexandria--which we had already driven through and was 45 minutes of backtracking
10. We arrived at the Hilton at 1am only to experience confusion over rooms assignments
11. We didn't get to sleep until 3am
12. As a result we didn't have time to eat breakfast
13. We were late for the Cleo program
14. We were not able to sightsee
15. We got lost 3-4 times on the way back

So there is our horrible trip in a nutshell. Please be advised folks, buy a map and keep it close when traveling out of town.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Okay, so I sit down infront of the computer and try and type, and fifteen minutes later I'm browsing the website, checking my e-mail or eating a sandwhich. Forget writer's block. I've got an avalanche inside my head, blocking all my creative thoughts. The story I'm currently pounding out is called Pet. I started off writing the seventh chapter with a clear view of what I wanted to happen. Sometime during the story my brain switched gears and it ended up going totally left field. I couldn't bring myself to erase it because I think its pretty good, though my readers may be disappointed with the outcome. I initally started the story just trying to breathe life to characters who enjoyed good sex and had the occasional problem, but now its blown into a fast paced thriller if I do say so myself. Hmmm, I think I'll need a Beta to give me the green light before I move forward. Oh, and I just added the pic next to this cuz a nice hunky chest always makes me feel better. *grin*

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Gum Drops

Growing up is hard. Everyone tells you that when you are a kid you better enjoy it, but you never pay any attention. It feels like you will be a kid forever. Then one day you wake up and your parents are saying now I legally don't have to take care of you *just kidding* Being a child was the best, you could run without getting a cramp in your side, and you always seemed to have an endless well of energy. You got to do silly things without getting in trouble for them. You got to eat loads of sweets without worrying about it going to your hips. Mud Pies, sunshine, running through the sprinklers, arm floats, and knee scrapes, training wheels, and hopscotch. Well, thats just behind us now. Now we have to be an adult, and you know I okay with that. It took some getting used to but I don't think I'm getting any younger.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Being a Straight Woman who writes about Gay Men

Society is seriously conflicted right now. Half of us are for gay rights, marriages, couples; whatever have you. The other half of us are homophobic. Its hard for me to explain my fascination with gay men, but I think all writers of manlove will say there is something sensual, that makes your heart throb when you think about a two hard bodied men going at it. Yaoi and Bishounen are on the rise. People just want to see to men go at it like bunnies and then turn around later and be tender. For me at least heterosexual relationships have become boring. The damsel in distress syndrome, or Mrs. Kick-your-ass is so cliche now a days. Manlove has found its niche and I think its here to stay.

The Pains of Writing

Stephen King says in one of his books, and I can't recall which one, if you want to write then write. So I write. It is far from easy, and I would challenge anyone who says it is to write a chapter or two. I've never been a planning type of person so I write off the top of my head, but frequently I get writers block. You're like ready to rip your hair out when you're typing along and your mind goes blank. Anyway, I've recently joined this site called The reader response is very welcome and I'm excited that people actually seem to like my work. It makes me write more, and well, I'm getting over my writers block alot faster these days.