Saturday, September 15, 2007

Not in the Mood

I've been charged with writing two Christmas stories for the Holidays coming up, and I'll tell you I'm just not in the mood to write anything so cheerful. What I really want to write is something angsty, dark, and spellbinding. I've had this idea for a necromancer who also happens to be a medium. I think I want to call him Adam or maybe Ryan. I want him to be a preppy type, who is a jock and a chick magnet. Then I want him to attract the dark forces of the supernatural. The contrast between his world and his necromancer powers when they come into full bloom should be interesting. I see that a lot of authors always write necromancers or such characters as already being dark, a loner, or practicing a craft. I want to do something different, but it will have to be put on hold for now. *sigh* I have work to do.

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