Monday, July 28, 2008


It's a terrible affliction of mine. In fact I'd say it is my disease. I know what needs to be done and yet I stare, I look, I browse, I eat a sandwich, check email,watch TV, contemplate life, suck in my gut while I look in the mirror, and debate the why I should eat fruit instead of ice cream. My point is, I do everything besides writing. A fan told me today that she wished I had a book out every month. Hah! Me too. I wish I could whip stories together faster than I can scramble an egg. My problem is:boredom. I've got six windows open on my laptop right now as I type this. I can't even read anything. I'm starting to think I need a break, but I've come to one conclusion. I CAN'T STOP WRITING! Having a storyline in my head would drive me insane, and the only time I seem to have them is when I'm off the computer. As soon as i boot it goes POOF, all gone. Grrr! I wish muses could be sold or traded. I'd put mine on e-bay in a heartbeat. Rant over!


Mya said...

Ditto and ditto. I am seriously thinking about opening up a store called "Muses R' Us." Just think of the benefits. I'm sitting here watching AVP for the 28th time and while I should be working, I keep drifting over to play casino games.

Sage Whistler said...

I'll buy a share in Muses R US. We should make millions. :) I just discovered 2dplay and So far I've killed a coupla ghosts, baked cookies, run a salon, and entered a fashion show. lol