Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Phirst Hunger (On Hiatus)

First off, I'd like to apologize for those of you patiently waiting for G-Strain's sequel. It WILL come, just not as soon as I hoped. At the moment I am having publisher woes. Do to irreconcilable differences I will no longer be writing fresh material for my current publisher and it looks as if I'll have to wait for my contracts to expire to get my rights back. So, The Phirst Hunger is on hold and I will be continuing with my Western after Pride Fall. Again, my heartfelt apologies.


stephanie said...

Hey Sage!

Loved Loved Loved G-Strain.
Any new news on Phirst Hunger?
I'd give a tooth to get my hands on it...

Sassy said...

Hi there. Any ideas on how much longer until you release Phirst Hunger?