Thursday, January 28, 2010

Plans for 2010

I'm fully loaded. Yes, I have WIPS going every which a way right now. I'm writing about werewolves(have been for some time actually)spacemen, aliens, incubi, martial artists, and models. I have contemporary settings, fantasy, SciFi, and paranormal. I'd like 2010 to be my biggest release year for e-books, so when I finally do have a release I want them to trickle down like dominoes. You can expect releases from different publishing houses as I intend to spread them out, and I'm going to get a contract with Loose Id if it kills me. Haven't tried just yet so please keep your fingers crossed because they are my next aim.

I do have a release on the horizon however, and trust me it will be done because my deadline is the beginning of February.I won't share details just yet because I'm not sure what could change in the next two and a half weeks or so.

In other news, those looking out for Brogan and Micah's story, know that it will come. I have written on them already but the idea stalled out and now I am waiting for them to talk again while scratching out ideas in a notebook for their story. I want it to be in depth so that when you finish the book you feel like you know them--strengths, weaknesses and all.

I have plans for a few series and a story in the G-Strain universe.(You can find out more by visiting the WIPS page on my website.)

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