Saturday, May 31, 2008


If anyone has paid attention to my ramblings over time you know that I'm a seat-of-my pants type of gal. I have more big dreams and ideas than the circus and things are constantly changing for me. I've completely given up trying to work on one story at a time because I am easily bored and distracted. My mind is like a room full of people and everyone is trying to talk at the same time. Sometimes certain voices drown out others and sometimes they all just scream and I get fed up and take a break. Well... enough of the analogies. What I'm currently working on is like five projects. Some may be finished soon and others much, much later. AnyHOO I've got a story going called "How to Kill a Monster" it's about a young man who has an encounter with evil and returns to his home to find sanctuary in the arms of a former bully. Silly I know, but the story is more about fate then anything. The former bully has his reasons for picking on David (the main character). I thought it would be interesting to write about a person who wasn't always a goody two shoes and if my audience comes to love him the way I do.. well then I've done my job. So back to the story--David runs home to find safety in the strong capable arms of his former bully. The man who used to pick on him wants nothing more than to make up for his past discretions. I won't say anything else until later. Besides I'm not even finished yet. Right now I'm deep into the good stuff. *wink* The second story I started is called "Omega Fall" it will most likely be a short read and I'm toying with the idea of making it the first book of a trilogy--"Beta Rift" and "Alpha Rise" would round out the series. I also have my Needful Things series to get started on. I'm hedging, I know. Just today I had this light bulb go off in my head urging me to write a story called. "Build a B.E.N." Sound familiar? That's cause it is. Build a Bear kind of tipped it off. So far the synopsis is that a young scientist who works for a giant government corporation called Ibram is asked to help destroy evidence of illegal human and machine experimentation. He manages to force himself to destroy the files and documents but there is just one thing he can't bring himself to destroy. B.E.N. Bioengineered-Epigonic-Neohuman. You see the young scientist has been working with B.E.N for months and he has developed feelings for the neohuman that cross the boundaries set by the Ibram coporation. Lastly, I have ideas for a couple of other stories. The plots are still shaky but the names kinda jumped into my head and held on with the tenacity of a rabid dog. "Drop Off" "Lion Down" and "No Frills".

On top of all this I have five stories to finish on AFF. Yeah, I'm swamped but I'm superexcited about the possibilities.

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