Saturday, June 21, 2008

Scared the Bejeezus out of my big Sis!

My sister is squeamish! hah That is an understatement. I laughed my head off when she watched the movie "Slither" with me. I actually didn't think she'd be bothered that much by it. We've watched horror movies our entire lives together. I was the one scared when we were little. "Lost World: Jurassic Park" had me losing sleep for days. (yes, I know that isn't exactly horror) "Slither" IMO isn't a horror either. There is too much humor for it to be truly scary. What they go for is the shock factor. I wish I could have video taped my sister launching an assault on the carpet. She flew down so fast I thought someone had tossed a grenade. When the creature first showed itself she gripped my arm and started cursing. One time she even screamed. I know, I know, it was mean of me to laugh, but I couldn't help myself. I'd seen "Slither" about 4x already and I had warned her that is was a gore fest, but she didn't believe me. She made it up until near about the ending when the guy was a heaping mass of congealed humans, then she fled shrieking into the night. My God, I had no idea my sister could run so fast. Lol As for me, well, I guess I've seen so much horror and gore it doesn't really affect me the way it would some people.

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