Saturday, January 31, 2009

Catching up

Usually I like to purchase books in spurts. By that I mean buy half a collection if its out and wait months...and months to buy the rest of them or when the entire series is out. I'm a big fan of Karen Marie Moning. Me? The Manlove trollop? Yeah, I have a verra small group of authors that write Het Romance that I'll still read. Karen is one of them, Teresa Meideros, Sasha Lord, and some others. Anyway, I'm waiting for Karen's entire fae series books to drop. Why? Cuz despite how slow I am with my own writing I don't want to start a series(this only applies to short ones) before it is finished, if I know about it. So I'm waiting for all books to drop before I read it. Thank goodness there are other authors to read in between the wait. Currently I am catching up on reading for Laurell K. Hamiliton. I bought her collection for the Merry Gentry series and the Anita Blake series about a year and a half ago. Its been nearly a year since I bought the last book. Just this week though I started reading "A Lick of Frost". I really enjoyed the story, and I marvel at Laurell's ability to write five chapters in the same room in a span of hours. The lady is genius. So, I kind of devoured ALF and now I'm going out to purchase the next book in the series: "Swallowing Darkness". I'd recommend anyone to check Laurell's books out if you are a fan of paranormal and you like your lovin' a tad on the wicked side.

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