I have observed over time a common aspect among a surprisingly large number of authors in the e-book world. Perhaps you as a reader, or author, have observed this pattern as well. I myself only fall into two categories.
1. Coffee drinkers--Alot of authors are habitual caffeine cravers, as in, they can't start their day or concentrate without a cup of Joe. I just happen to dislike coffee:p I get my fix from other sources of caffeine.
2. Pisces or Capricorns-with nifty myspace profiles you can see for yourself that a large amount of authors fall into these two categories--of course with all the authors there are in the world, every sign is sure to be represented, but maybe I'm biased because the authors I read and know are these signs. (I'm a Cappie if you're curious)
3. Owners of a pet-- I have no idea if alot of people in general own pets, but authors sure seem to have one or two, or three. Often there are pics of them on their sites--cats that lounge on computer keyboards or dogs that curl at an author's feet when they type. I don't have a dog, but I plan on getting a Dachshund after college.
4. Stay at home mothers. In the e-book world at least, the internet has become an easy and convenient way to gain access to the world without leaving your home. Since mostly women purchase e-books, it is to be expected that the majority would write them.
5.Women--yes, we women rule the romance/erotica universe. I don't think there is any clear answer to why this is. I know that studies in gender differences have revealed that women are better in writing and comprehension. Men on average are better at math and science. Perhaps too, we women are more intrigued by the fanciful or imaginative aspects in romance/erotica. Our society has definitely biased the roles of male and females. "Chick flicks" for example are a term for romance movies and "chick lit" *shrugs* girly books I suppose. :p
Not about the author so much as what is being written
6. Threesome or gay fiction sales--I've been visiting e-book websites and I've noticed that most books in the bestseller section are threesomes or gay fiction. I guess it's a pretty hot commodity right now--as well as writing about bad boys (demons, vampires, lycans/werewolves, big-brawny alien dudes)
Popular names-- What name do I think I've seen in about a bizillion books-- well here is a few to say the least (they are in no particular order)
1. Adam
2. Remy/Remmy/Remington
3. Gabriel
5. Daniel (goodness knows there is enough of those) Yes, I have one in a story of mine too. lol
6. Jaime/Jamie
7. Tony
8. Jack
9. Reese
10. Michael/Malachi
11. Nick/Nicholas/Nikolai
Blond haired blue eyed men
Red headed women-- portrayed as fire brands--ergo the hair
Men with long hair--guess that's back in YAY
Gunslingers-guess there is nothing sexier then cold steel eh? lol
Visual opposites--if the female is blonde you can almost count on a dark haired male and vice versa
Petite pitted against Brawn--even in gay fiction which I write, if the hero or heroine is able to take care of his/herself (even if they come in small packages) the love interest will almost certainly be bigger and brawnier (guess this isn't so much a trend as its been longstanding)
Fragmented family-in a large number of books (which I haven't necessarily read but can deduce from the synopsis) a family member is gunning for the main hero or heroine and they are in need of protection
Alcohol but no cigarettes-- just goes to show what society thinks is sexy. I think I have read a total of two books where one of the hero/heroines smoked anything other then cigars
Pale skin vs bronze--I never understood why this was so attractive, and only because it does not seem to reflect a society where tanning salons are springing up everywhere
Hell-- this seems to be a hot topic as well as tortured souls who escape from it to find true love--I wonder if ten years ago ,if this would have been a touchy subject
lifemates--its a great way to explain instant attractions and quick coupling-- you just smack 'they are lifemates' on it and we get the okay sign, lol Don't get me wrong I love the concept.
Nature-- go ahead and count your stash of e-books and see which ones feature woods and cabins--you'll be surprised. I know I was.
Stepping out on a limb- More then ever before we authors are writing about things that might have been taboo years ago. I applaud the effort. Here are some of the themes we write about.
1. bondage/submission
2. homosexuality
3. handicaps
4. twincest
5. interracial couples
6. unconventional body types (although this applies mostly to women)
7. crossdressers/transgender
8. fem dominant
9. fetishes
10. moresomes (more the menage a trois)