Monday, March 31, 2008

Trippin' across the World

I haven't been to many places, but I made a promise to myself that before I passed from this great Earth (hopefully at the ripe old age of 104) I would travel to each one of the continents. My friend and I decided we wanted to trek across the Earth sooner then later. So in the summer of 2009 we plan to go to Europe for a 19 day excursion. The trip will be tour guided and it includes a visit to Germany, Spain, and Italy. Yay! Since the trip is running up to around $4,000 I'm going to start saving right away. I'm super excited, and I know that if I don't go next summer I will go in 2010. Maybe I'll even get inspired by some of the towns we visit. I plan to bring a video camera and record the entire thing.

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