Have you ever been surrounded by people that mope all the time? People that are so depressed and saddened that it seems like a dark cloud hangs over their head? Well, I'm stuck in a rut I can't get out of, and its slowly depressing me too. You see, I'm in college, and most of my friends either claim depression or manifest symptoms of this epidemic. Honestly, until I came to ECSU I never knew there were so many people that were chronically pessimistic. It is very draining, trying to cheer everyone up, and I have to be the levelheaded person because no one else is. I've had long drawn out conversations about clinical depression. Now, I do believes it exists, but I can't seem to tell the difference between a legit depression and just being pessimistic and moody. I mean, COME ON, all the time? People are walking around confessing to having the worst life on the planet and yet they eat, sleep in a bed, ARE attending COLLEGE to get a better education. I'd say we have a leg up on about sixty percent of the population here, ladies n' gentlemen. We live in America for cripes sakes, not Cuba, or Afghanistan. We are not dodging bullets, or running for our lives. We have a few tests and some classes, a midterm and final. We are free to do what we want! So why the moping and why the dejected face? How come, everytime the sun comes out, you expect it to rain? I can't get my head wrapped around it. Suddenly, I am wishing for the comfort of home and my family: a place where we laughed or cried, and moved on. Most of the time it was filled with laughter. If you were bored, you went out and did something. There was definitely no time to sit and be a moper. Ultimately, I'm thinking, that moping is a viscious cycle. I mean, how can you possibly feel any better, if you always believe you won't?
Anyway, I've ranted enough. I'm off to emerse myself in a crowd of mopers again, because they are my friends, and I feel obligated to help them muddle through, yet, again.
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