Friday, October 31, 2008

Keep Looking

Alas, I find myself speaking of politics once more, but what is a girl to do when she watches CNN like a rabid wide-eyed beast? Why talk of politics of course. I just have to get this issue off my chest. While visiting blogs on *gasp* CNN I have come across quite a few comments where voters express a desire to have a candidate that "represents" them. That is all good and well I suppose, but unless we appoint a school teacher, a janitor, or the manager of Walgreens as President of the United States you are never going to have someone who is like YOU! The best we can do is look at personal ethics, beliefs, and policies. We can look at the character of the man or woman and delve into their history to see their accomplishments, but to pick someone as your next president based on that fact that they are mothers or fathers just like you is simply ridiculous. The notion that governor Palin is a good romodel for "all" women, because she is a soccer mom, executive of her state and apparently a woman who has practiced unethical conduct is simply absurd. She has never and will never be relateable to me. I have nothing in common with the woman. People please stop generalizing. I have very few things in common with Obama either. I am not a man, father, or husband and I certainly don't make his salary. I've never been to law school nor served as senator. I'll get over it. I'm not picking Obama because he grew up with one sister and his mother like I did. I'm not picking Obama because his mother worked two jobs all my life so she could support us like mine did. I'm not picking him because he is a female college student like I am. I am picking him because I believe his ideas and policies are exactly what this country needs. When you start inserting your 'need' for common factors into the equation it breeds room for the question of race, gender, and age. People need to stop choosing with their eyes and use their brains. I, for one, will be ecstatic when this election is over. Both the intelligence and ignorance of America has been put on display in this race. If you are looking for your twin in office all I have to say is keep looking!

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